Cuna de Platero expone ante alumnos de la UHU su modelo cooperativo y la apuesta por la I+D+i y revolución digital

Cuna de Platero exposes to UHU students its business model and its commitment to R + D + i and digital revolution
March 21, 2018
Cuna de Platero participa en las I Jornadas Internacionales de Promoción del Ocio Saludable de la UHU
Cuna de Platero participates the 1st International Conference on the Promotion of Healthy Leisure of the UHU
April 2, 2018
Cuna de Platero expone ante alumnos de la UHU su modelo cooperativo y la apuesta por la I+D+i y revolución digital

Cuna de Platero exposes to UHU students its business model and its commitment to R + D + i and digital revolution
March 21, 2018
Cuna de Platero participa en las I Jornadas Internacionales de Promoción del Ocio Saludable de la UHU
Cuna de Platero participates the 1st International Conference on the Promotion of Healthy Leisure of the UHU
April 2, 2018

Cuna de Platero shows the opportunities of the Spanish berries at the Global Berry Congress

– The sales manager of the company participates in a conference in which the trends in the international berries business are analyzed

– The congress is held from March 19th to 21st in Rotterdam

Cuna de Platero will present at a conference the business opportunities of Spanish berries, framed in the international Global Berry Congress, which will be held from March 19th to 21st in Rotterdam.

The sales manager of the company, Sergio Sainz, will be in charge of explaining to the participating professionals the challenges of the Spanish business, concentrated mainly in Huelva (with 95% of production), “sharing things already done by Cuna de Platero, supporting the digitalization and collaborative robotization of our processes”.

The conference is part of a group of talks in which the trends in the international business of berries are analyzed, “which must be on track, as we have been doing in Cuna de Platero for many campaigns, for the commitment to sustainability and care for the environment. We stress the nutritional values ​​and healthy properties of our berries, because that is what the consumer demands”.

The Global Berry Congress is the specialized international forum “where we can analyze international markets, trends, new varieties, ideas for production and

marketing, sharing knowledge and experiences to move forward”, Sainz said. The Congress seeks to explore the trends of the industry, challenges and future of the berries.

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