Cuna de Platero expone en Global Berry Congress las oportunidades de las berries españolas
Cuna de Platero shows the opportunities of the Spanish berries at the Global Berry Congress
March 23, 2018
Cuna de Platero difunde la alimentación cardiosaludable con la entrega de frutos rojos en el hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez
Cuna de Platero promotes the heart-healthy diet with the delivery of berries at the Juan Ramón Jiménez hospital
April 26, 2018
Cuna de Platero expone en Global Berry Congress las oportunidades de las berries españolas
Cuna de Platero shows the opportunities of the Spanish berries at the Global Berry Congress
March 23, 2018
Cuna de Platero difunde la alimentación cardiosaludable con la entrega de frutos rojos en el hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez
Cuna de Platero promotes the heart-healthy diet with the delivery of berries at the Juan Ramón Jiménez hospital
April 26, 2018

Cuna de Platero participates the 1st International Conference on the Promotion of Healthy Leisure of the UHU

– We provide fruit for the healthy breakfast of the attendants and information about the consumption of berries and health

– The meeting, of cross-border nature, brought together health professionals from Spain and Portugal

Cuna de Platero participated in the 1st International Conference on the Promotion of Healthy Leisure in the UHU. In this meeting of health and university professionals, held at the School of Nursing of the UHU. Cuna de Platero contributed its berries for the healthy breakfast of the attendants and the diptych “Berries for the heart”.

“It is essential for us that the educational system, in this case the superior one, spread among its students the importance of supporting healthy leisure”, explained the general manager of Cuna de Platero. He also added that “increasingly, food is included among our plans with friends, family, etc. as an element of our leisure, and we must be aware of the importance of taking care of ourselves inside, with what we eat”.

On the other hand, Báñez valued these days held in the School of Nursing, “with students who will be future professionals in the field of health and it is essential to be concerned about the importance of food and physical exercise in a healthy life”.

Berries for the heart is an information brochure in which Cuna de Platero, with the support of the Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC) and the specialist in Endocrinology, Nutrition and Sports Medicine, Mr. Antonio Escribano, responsible for the nutrition area of The Spanish Basketball and Soccer Federations, informs about the affection of cardiovascular diseases in Spain and the importance of prevention. In addition, he encourages “to abandon sedentary life, alcohol, tobacco, among others, and to choose a varied and balanced diet and the practice of physical exercise”.

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